Monday, June 1, 2009
Pertanyaan :(From :Agung /
Mas saya punya masalah dalam usaha, dimana usaha saya mengalai penurunan omset sampai dengan 75%. sementara modal saya dari BANK. Kami sekaran ketakutan karena kami menunggak angsuran 2 bln. Solusinya?
Jawab :
Pak agung, saya ikut prihatin dengan permasalahan bapak. Memang kita tidak menduga atas suatu suatu akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana kita ataupun tidak.
Mengenai pinjaman bapak yang menunggak selama 2 bulan, bapak sebaiknya konsultasi dengan pihak bank pemberi kredit. Bahwa usaha bapak sedang mengalami penurunan usaha. Dengan memberikan pengertian serta meminta kebijaksanaan dari pihak bank. Biasanya bank dapat memberikan kelonggaran dengan membayar bunganya saja. Akan tetapi hal tersebut tentu tergantung ketentuan dari pihak bank. Karena tinjauan atas historical dari pembayaran bapak selama masa kredit. Apabila memang tidak ada kebijaksanaan, bapak bisa take over kredit ke bank lain. Akan tetapi ini memang agak sulit karena usaha bapak sedang menurun. Akan tetapi ada baiknya dicoba.
Apabila semua cara tersebut mengalami jalan buntu. Lebih baik bapak menjual aset jaminan bapak sendiri. Sebisa mungkin penjualan aset tersebut ditangani oleh bapak sendiri, karena aset sebagai hasil sitaan atas jaminan kredit dan dijual oleh pihak bank cenderung lebih rendah dari nilai pasar. Karena pihak bank akan mengambil sisa kredit yang belum terbayar. Dan selama aset telah memenuhi sisa kredit, pihak bank akan melepaskannya. Atau biasanya pihak bank menjualnya dengan sistem lelang. Sayang khan andai aset bapak dijual dibawah nilai pasar?
Misalkan aset bapak pada saat penilaian aset, nilai pasar diperoleh Rp. 500 jt, pihak bak akan memberikan pinjaman sekitar 60%-75% nilai pasar atau sebesar Rp. 375jt. (Maks kredit atu sebagai nilai likuidasi apabila kredit macet). Andaikan bapak kredit sebesar Rp. 300 jt, maka apabila kredit macet, pihak bank akan menjual aset bapak kisaran 375jt. Misalkan sisa kredit bapak Rp. 250jt, Maka uang yang bapak terima sebesar Rp. 375 jt – Rp. 250 jt = Rp. 125jt.
Akan tetapi bila bapak mampu menjual sendiri dengan harga Rp. 450 jt, maka Rp. 450jt – Rp. 250 jt = Rp. 200jt. Tentu lebih menguntungkan apabila bapak menjual sendiri aset tersebut. Demikian semoga bapak dapat mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik.

How To Obtain A Machine Appraisal
Machine appraisals are generally used for three areas. They are utilized by insurance companies, bank examiners and courts if a legal action is taken.
Insurance companies mainly use machine appraisals to determine the insurance coverage for the machines. Certified appraisers will be able to competently give an appraisal following strict guidelines. These appraisals can then be used for finance, insurance or other actions depending on the appraisal.
Any type of machine can be appraised though the more exotic pieces may take some time to find an appraiser. Many of those in the machine trade can be used to appraise machines for smaller companies while large companies may employ their own appraiser. There are also many consultants that can appraise your machines. Over the years there are more and more appraisers that specialize in specific types of machines, so it may take some time but you will be able to find an appraiser for your machinery.
Machine appraisal are used for buy/sell agreements, converting from C to S-Corp, loans, leases, cost segregation, insurable value, foreclosures, estate planning, divorce settlements, mergers and acquisitions, litigation support, trust planning, Sarbanes Oxley, partnership dissolution, gift estate planning, 1031 exchanges, retirement planning, FASB 141 & 142, and GASB 34.
The appraisal report will include the following; a description of the machine to be appraised, the method used to identify and quantify the machine, and the data sources used to obtain this information. Basically another appraiser would be able to follow the steps to come up with the same information. Most individuals only get one appraisal but if you should need to get more then the results should be fairly similar.
It is possible to find lists of machine appraisals online. But if you need an appraisal you can trust then you should determine if the company that holds a CMEA (certified machinery and equipment appraiser) designation. Appraisals provide by these certified companies will stand up to any type of scrutiny, no matter the circumstances. There are non-certified companies around that may offer their services for less but certified appraisers will always produce excellent results.
When getting an appraisal you will typically receive a summary appraisal report that will general estimate the value of the machine. There will be on-site inspection details in the report as will as given information for each tangible value asset. This type of report will take longer as an appraiser will need to make a visit and inspect the machinery.
A desktop appraisal report is used when an on-site inspection is not used. The customer will send a picture and description and the appraisal will be based from this information. The summary appraisal report will provide a more true value for the piece of machinery thought both are frequently used. The type of report will depend on the reason for the appraisal and the type of machinery.
Appraisal companies can be found in the phone book and online. You can also see if your insurer or financial institution uses a particular appraisal company. Be sure to check out the appraisers qualifications and always check their references. Obtaining a correct appraisal is very important for your financial future and can be disastrous if it is not done correctly.
Mas saya punya masalah dalam usaha, dimana usaha saya mengalai penurunan omset sampai dengan 75%. sementara modal saya dari BANK. Kami sekaran ketakutan karena kami menunggak angsuran 2 bln. Solusinya?
Jawab :
Pak agung, saya ikut prihatin dengan permasalahan bapak. Memang kita tidak menduga atas suatu suatu akan berjalan sesuai dengan rencana kita ataupun tidak.
Mengenai pinjaman bapak yang menunggak selama 2 bulan, bapak sebaiknya konsultasi dengan pihak bank pemberi kredit. Bahwa usaha bapak sedang mengalami penurunan usaha. Dengan memberikan pengertian serta meminta kebijaksanaan dari pihak bank. Biasanya bank dapat memberikan kelonggaran dengan membayar bunganya saja. Akan tetapi hal tersebut tentu tergantung ketentuan dari pihak bank. Karena tinjauan atas historical dari pembayaran bapak selama masa kredit. Apabila memang tidak ada kebijaksanaan, bapak bisa take over kredit ke bank lain. Akan tetapi ini memang agak sulit karena usaha bapak sedang menurun. Akan tetapi ada baiknya dicoba.
Apabila semua cara tersebut mengalami jalan buntu. Lebih baik bapak menjual aset jaminan bapak sendiri. Sebisa mungkin penjualan aset tersebut ditangani oleh bapak sendiri, karena aset sebagai hasil sitaan atas jaminan kredit dan dijual oleh pihak bank cenderung lebih rendah dari nilai pasar. Karena pihak bank akan mengambil sisa kredit yang belum terbayar. Dan selama aset telah memenuhi sisa kredit, pihak bank akan melepaskannya. Atau biasanya pihak bank menjualnya dengan sistem lelang. Sayang khan andai aset bapak dijual dibawah nilai pasar?
Misalkan aset bapak pada saat penilaian aset, nilai pasar diperoleh Rp. 500 jt, pihak bak akan memberikan pinjaman sekitar 60%-75% nilai pasar atau sebesar Rp. 375jt. (Maks kredit atu sebagai nilai likuidasi apabila kredit macet). Andaikan bapak kredit sebesar Rp. 300 jt, maka apabila kredit macet, pihak bank akan menjual aset bapak kisaran 375jt. Misalkan sisa kredit bapak Rp. 250jt, Maka uang yang bapak terima sebesar Rp. 375 jt – Rp. 250 jt = Rp. 125jt.
Akan tetapi bila bapak mampu menjual sendiri dengan harga Rp. 450 jt, maka Rp. 450jt – Rp. 250 jt = Rp. 200jt. Tentu lebih menguntungkan apabila bapak menjual sendiri aset tersebut. Demikian semoga bapak dapat mendapatkan solusi yang terbaik.

How To Obtain A Machine Appraisal
Machine appraisals are generally used for three areas. They are utilized by insurance companies, bank examiners and courts if a legal action is taken.
Insurance companies mainly use machine appraisals to determine the insurance coverage for the machines. Certified appraisers will be able to competently give an appraisal following strict guidelines. These appraisals can then be used for finance, insurance or other actions depending on the appraisal.
Any type of machine can be appraised though the more exotic pieces may take some time to find an appraiser. Many of those in the machine trade can be used to appraise machines for smaller companies while large companies may employ their own appraiser. There are also many consultants that can appraise your machines. Over the years there are more and more appraisers that specialize in specific types of machines, so it may take some time but you will be able to find an appraiser for your machinery.
Machine appraisal are used for buy/sell agreements, converting from C to S-Corp, loans, leases, cost segregation, insurable value, foreclosures, estate planning, divorce settlements, mergers and acquisitions, litigation support, trust planning, Sarbanes Oxley, partnership dissolution, gift estate planning, 1031 exchanges, retirement planning, FASB 141 & 142, and GASB 34.
The appraisal report will include the following; a description of the machine to be appraised, the method used to identify and quantify the machine, and the data sources used to obtain this information. Basically another appraiser would be able to follow the steps to come up with the same information. Most individuals only get one appraisal but if you should need to get more then the results should be fairly similar.
It is possible to find lists of machine appraisals online. But if you need an appraisal you can trust then you should determine if the company that holds a CMEA (certified machinery and equipment appraiser) designation. Appraisals provide by these certified companies will stand up to any type of scrutiny, no matter the circumstances. There are non-certified companies around that may offer their services for less but certified appraisers will always produce excellent results.
When getting an appraisal you will typically receive a summary appraisal report that will general estimate the value of the machine. There will be on-site inspection details in the report as will as given information for each tangible value asset. This type of report will take longer as an appraiser will need to make a visit and inspect the machinery.
A desktop appraisal report is used when an on-site inspection is not used. The customer will send a picture and description and the appraisal will be based from this information. The summary appraisal report will provide a more true value for the piece of machinery thought both are frequently used. The type of report will depend on the reason for the appraisal and the type of machinery.
Appraisal companies can be found in the phone book and online. You can also see if your insurer or financial institution uses a particular appraisal company. Be sure to check out the appraisers qualifications and always check their references. Obtaining a correct appraisal is very important for your financial future and can be disastrous if it is not done correctly.
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