Thursday, May 28, 2009
Gross Income Multiplier (GIM)
GIM – Konsep
Suatu property dapat menghasilkan pendapatan kotor sebesar Rp 100jt/thn kemudian dijual, laku dengan harga Rp 800 jt maka
GIM = Rp. 800 Juta / Rp 100 Juta
GIM = 8
Dari kasus diatas, GIM sebesar 8 berarti harga jual properti tsb adalah 8x (8 kali) pendapatan kotor per tahunnya. GIM sering adiartikan sebagai pengali pendapatan kotor. Sedangkan untuk pengali sewa kotor, sering diistilahkan dengan GRM (Gross Rent Multiplier)
Prosedur Penerapan Penilaian dengan GIM
Nilai suatu properti diperoleh dgn mengalikan pendapatan kotor tahunan yg diharapkan (expected annual gross income) dgn GIM yg diperoleh dari data penjualan properti pembanding
Atau, jika dinyatakan dlm rumus:
Contoh Penerapan Penilaian dengan GIM
Anda diminta menilai sebuah ruko yg disewakan. Ruko tersebut diperkirakan dapat menghasilkan pendapatan kotor per tahun sebesar Rp 100 juta. GIM dari data pembanding (ruko-ruko yg disewakan) adalah 6.50
V = GI x GIM
= Rp 100 jt x 6.5
= Rp 650 jt
Jadi dengan menggunakan GIM, nilai ruko tersebut adalah Rp 650 jt

Gross Rent Multipler
The GRM is simply the ratio of the monthly (or annual) rent divided into the selling price. If several similar properties have sold in the market recently, then the GRM can be computed for those and applied to the anticipated monthly rent for the subject property. GRM is useful for rental houses, duplexes, and simple commercial properties when used as a supplement to other more well developed methods.

Mining's Hard Rock Legacy
In the Malakoff diggings of California's Sierra Nevada lies the wreckage of an old dream. It is a bizarre man-made canyon sculpted into grim spires and fins, cream-white surfaces streaked with red, the whole tortured architecture capped by a fringe of nearly black forest.
More than a century ago miners sent water racing down the Sierra through networks of ditches and wooden flumes. The water, building pressure with every mile (1.6 kilometers), funneled into huge nozzles and from them struck the ancient slopes of the foothills with such terrible force that they dissolved into mud that oozed like surging lava over wooden riffles. The riffles were in place to separate gold from the slurry, which was sent through a system of tunnels into the South Yuba River and from there, via the Feather, to the Sacramento—so much slurry that with every spring flood the productive farms of the Sacramento Valley were smothered under yet another layer of mud.
Such unregulated destruction is no longer permitted in the United States. But the Malakoff site still dribbles slurry into the watershed of the Sacramento, and this weird, human-carved landscape remains as a useful symbol of the West's long infatuation with the dream of treasure and with the legislation created to service that obsession: the General Mining Law of 1872, one of the oldest land laws still on the books.
The law was designed to promote and codify the use of public lands for mining purposes, and in its major provisions it did so with admirable simplicity. It declares all federal land not otherwise restricted, as in national parks and other reservations, be open to the prospecting and discovery of gold, silver, copper, iron, nickel, and other hardrock minerals.
Suatu property dapat menghasilkan pendapatan kotor sebesar Rp 100jt/thn kemudian dijual, laku dengan harga Rp 800 jt maka
GIM = Rp. 800 Juta / Rp 100 Juta
GIM = 8
Dari kasus diatas, GIM sebesar 8 berarti harga jual properti tsb adalah 8x (8 kali) pendapatan kotor per tahunnya. GIM sering adiartikan sebagai pengali pendapatan kotor. Sedangkan untuk pengali sewa kotor, sering diistilahkan dengan GRM (Gross Rent Multiplier)
Prosedur Penerapan Penilaian dengan GIM
Nilai suatu properti diperoleh dgn mengalikan pendapatan kotor tahunan yg diharapkan (expected annual gross income) dgn GIM yg diperoleh dari data penjualan properti pembanding
Atau, jika dinyatakan dlm rumus:
Contoh Penerapan Penilaian dengan GIM
Anda diminta menilai sebuah ruko yg disewakan. Ruko tersebut diperkirakan dapat menghasilkan pendapatan kotor per tahun sebesar Rp 100 juta. GIM dari data pembanding (ruko-ruko yg disewakan) adalah 6.50
V = GI x GIM
= Rp 100 jt x 6.5
= Rp 650 jt
Jadi dengan menggunakan GIM, nilai ruko tersebut adalah Rp 650 jt

Gross Rent Multipler
The GRM is simply the ratio of the monthly (or annual) rent divided into the selling price. If several similar properties have sold in the market recently, then the GRM can be computed for those and applied to the anticipated monthly rent for the subject property. GRM is useful for rental houses, duplexes, and simple commercial properties when used as a supplement to other more well developed methods.

Mining's Hard Rock Legacy
In the Malakoff diggings of California's Sierra Nevada lies the wreckage of an old dream. It is a bizarre man-made canyon sculpted into grim spires and fins, cream-white surfaces streaked with red, the whole tortured architecture capped by a fringe of nearly black forest.
More than a century ago miners sent water racing down the Sierra through networks of ditches and wooden flumes. The water, building pressure with every mile (1.6 kilometers), funneled into huge nozzles and from them struck the ancient slopes of the foothills with such terrible force that they dissolved into mud that oozed like surging lava over wooden riffles. The riffles were in place to separate gold from the slurry, which was sent through a system of tunnels into the South Yuba River and from there, via the Feather, to the Sacramento—so much slurry that with every spring flood the productive farms of the Sacramento Valley were smothered under yet another layer of mud.
Such unregulated destruction is no longer permitted in the United States. But the Malakoff site still dribbles slurry into the watershed of the Sacramento, and this weird, human-carved landscape remains as a useful symbol of the West's long infatuation with the dream of treasure and with the legislation created to service that obsession: the General Mining Law of 1872, one of the oldest land laws still on the books.
The law was designed to promote and codify the use of public lands for mining purposes, and in its major provisions it did so with admirable simplicity. It declares all federal land not otherwise restricted, as in national parks and other reservations, be open to the prospecting and discovery of gold, silver, copper, iron, nickel, and other hardrock minerals.
Labels: discounted cash flow, teori penilaian