Thursday, April 23, 2009
Sifat Umum Investasi dan Ciri-Ciri Pasar Property
Sifat Umum dari Investasi Dalam Bidang Property
Keuntungan yang dapat diraih pada investasi dibidang properti:
1. Income (Pendapatan)
2. Appreciation (Kenaikan Nilai)
3. Added Value (Penambahan Nilai)
Pasar Property mempunyai ciri-ciri :
a. Immobility, properti tidak mudah untuk dipindahkan atau direlokasikan
b. Heterogenity, properti masing2 memiliki karakteristik yang unik dan berbeda satu dengan lainnya
c. Unliquid, properti tidak mudah untuk secepatnya ditukar dalam bentuk uang
d. Durability, properti merupakan bahan tahan lama
e. Legal complexity, terkait dengan aspek legal yg berhubungan dengan hak penguasaan
Hubungan antara harga, prospek pembeli dan waktu menjual dapat digambarkan sbb: Harga tinggi - Tidak ada pembeli - tidak dapat dijual
Harga wajar - Hanya ada satu pembeli - 60 hari s/d 90 hari
Harga rendah - Ada banyak calon pembeli - 15 s/d 59 hari
Harga murah - banyak sekali pembeli - dapat dijual segera
Informasi Pasar Property
Informasi pasar properti dapat diperoleh dari :
1. Agen properti
2. Penilai / Appraiser
3. Iklan dan berita dari surat kabar
4. Laporan agen properti
5. Laporan lembaga keuangan
6. Informasi dari kantor pemerintah

Types of ownership interest
Implicit in the analysis of the subject property is a determination of the interest in the property being appraised. For most common situations (e.g. -- mortgage finance) the fee simple interest is explicitly assumed since it is the most complete bundle of rights available. However, in many situations, and in many societies which do not follow English Common Law or the Napoleanic Code, some other interest may be more common. While there are many different possible interests in real estate, the three most common are:
• Fee simple value (known in the UK as freehold) - The most complete ownership in real estate, subject in common law countries to the powers reserved to the state (taxation, escheat, eminent domain, and police power)
• Leased fee value - This is simply the fee simple interest encumbered by a lease. If the lease is at market rent, then the leased fee value and the fee simple value are equal. However, if the tenant pays more or less than market, the residual owned by the leased fee holder, plus the market value of the tenancy, may be more or less than the fee simple value.
• Leasehold value - The interest held by a tenant. If the tenant pays market rent, then the leasehold has no market value. However, if the tenant pays less than market, the difference betweent the present value of what is paid and the present value of market rents would be a positive leasehold value. For example, a major chain retailer may be able to negotiate a below-market lease to serve as the anchor tenant for a shopping center. This leasehold value may be transferrable to another anchor tenant, and if so the retail tenant has a positive interest in the real estate.
Keuntungan yang dapat diraih pada investasi dibidang properti:
1. Income (Pendapatan)
2. Appreciation (Kenaikan Nilai)
3. Added Value (Penambahan Nilai)
Pasar Property mempunyai ciri-ciri :
a. Immobility, properti tidak mudah untuk dipindahkan atau direlokasikan
b. Heterogenity, properti masing2 memiliki karakteristik yang unik dan berbeda satu dengan lainnya
c. Unliquid, properti tidak mudah untuk secepatnya ditukar dalam bentuk uang
d. Durability, properti merupakan bahan tahan lama
e. Legal complexity, terkait dengan aspek legal yg berhubungan dengan hak penguasaan
Hubungan antara harga, prospek pembeli dan waktu menjual dapat digambarkan sbb: Harga tinggi - Tidak ada pembeli - tidak dapat dijual
Harga wajar - Hanya ada satu pembeli - 60 hari s/d 90 hari
Harga rendah - Ada banyak calon pembeli - 15 s/d 59 hari
Harga murah - banyak sekali pembeli - dapat dijual segera
Informasi Pasar Property
Informasi pasar properti dapat diperoleh dari :
1. Agen properti
2. Penilai / Appraiser
3. Iklan dan berita dari surat kabar
4. Laporan agen properti
5. Laporan lembaga keuangan
6. Informasi dari kantor pemerintah

Types of ownership interest
Implicit in the analysis of the subject property is a determination of the interest in the property being appraised. For most common situations (e.g. -- mortgage finance) the fee simple interest is explicitly assumed since it is the most complete bundle of rights available. However, in many situations, and in many societies which do not follow English Common Law or the Napoleanic Code, some other interest may be more common. While there are many different possible interests in real estate, the three most common are:
• Fee simple value (known in the UK as freehold) - The most complete ownership in real estate, subject in common law countries to the powers reserved to the state (taxation, escheat, eminent domain, and police power)
• Leased fee value - This is simply the fee simple interest encumbered by a lease. If the lease is at market rent, then the leased fee value and the fee simple value are equal. However, if the tenant pays more or less than market, the residual owned by the leased fee holder, plus the market value of the tenancy, may be more or less than the fee simple value.
• Leasehold value - The interest held by a tenant. If the tenant pays market rent, then the leasehold has no market value. However, if the tenant pays less than market, the difference betweent the present value of what is paid and the present value of market rents would be a positive leasehold value. For example, a major chain retailer may be able to negotiate a below-market lease to serve as the anchor tenant for a shopping center. This leasehold value may be transferrable to another anchor tenant, and if so the retail tenant has a positive interest in the real estate.
Labels: teori penilaian