Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Metode Penilaian Aset
Metode Penilaian aset dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok :
1. Metode Perbandingan Data Pasar (Market Data Approcah)
2. Metode Kalkulasi Biaya (Cost Approach)
3. Metode Pendekatan Pendapatan (Income Approach)
Metode Perbandingan Data Pasar (Market Data Approcah)
Metode perbandingan data pasar atau sering disebut juga sebagai metode perbandingan harga jual (sales comparation method) atau metode perbandingan data langsung (direct market comparation method) adalah metode penilaian yang dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan secara langsung properti yang dinilai dengan data properti yang sejenis yaitu dengan cara Penilai harus mendapat 3 atau lebih data banding yang telah terjual atau sedang ditawarkan untuk dijual yang sejenis terhadap properti yang akan dinilai kemudian dibuat penyesuaiannya terhadap property yang dinilai
Harga Jual Property yang sebanding +/- penyesuaian = Indikasi Nilai dari property
Langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam metode ini adalah :
1. Tahap Pengumpulan data
Kumpulan data dicatat dalam buku data.
Sumber-sumber data dpt dihimpun dari :
- Broker
- Developer
- Iklan, surat kabar, majalah, papan pengumuman (langsung tinjau kelokasi)
- Arsip hasil penilaian
- Investor
2. Tahap Analisa data
Data yang dipergunakan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat dibawah ini, yaitu :
- Data tersebut diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli tanpa paksaan
- Data transaksi Jual beli yang belum lama berlangsung
- Data jual beli tersebut harus punya kesamaan dalam hal peruntukan, bentuk tanah, lokasi yang sejenis, sifat-sifat fisik & sosial, ukuran/luas, cara jual beli
3. Tahap Penyesuaian
Penyesuaian untuk perbedaan yang ada, berdasarkan pada waktu, lokasi dan lainnya.
Metode Penyesuaian
Metode dalam tahap penyesuaian ini terdapat 3 macam metode, yaitu:
1. Metoda tambah kurang (Pluses and minuses method)
Artinya penyesuaian langsung dibandingkan secara keseluruhan kelebihan dan kekurangan dengan data-data pembanding yang ada.
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Nilai indikasi Rp.104 jt Rp. 106 jt Rp. 102 jt
Penyesuaian dilakukan dengan cara pembebanan.
Misalnya: Properti yang paling mendekati adalah no.2 diambil 40% no. 1 & 3 = 30%
Jadi Nilai Pasar :
30% x 104 jt = 31.200.000
40% x 106 jt = 42.400.000
30% x 102 jt = 30.000.000
2. Metode jumlah rupiah (Rupiah Amount Method)
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Penyesuaian + 5 j 0 + 8 jt
Lokasi - 1 jt 0 0
Ukuran 0 0 - 4 jt
Kondisi perlengkap 0 0 0
Mutu bangunan 0 - 2 jt 0
Total penyesuaian + Rp. 4 jt -Rp. 2 jt Rp. 4 jt
Nilai indikasi Rp. 104 jt Rp. 106 jt Rp. 102 jt
Dengan cara pembebanan :
Nilai Pasar:
30% x Rp. 104 jt = Rp. 31.200.000
40% X Rp. 106 jt = Rp. 42.400.000
30% x Rp. 102 jt = Rp. 30.000.000
= Rp.104.200.000
3. Metode Persentase (Percentage Method)
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Penyesuaian 5% 0% 8%
Lokasi -1% 0% 0%
Ukuran 0% 0% -4%
% Kondisi pelengkap 0% 0% 0%
Mutu bangunan 0% -4% 0%
Total penyesuaian 4% -4% 4%
Nilai indikasi Rp. 104 jt Rp. 105.840 jt Rp.101.920 jt
Dengan cara pembebanan :
Nilai Pasar :
30% x Rp. 104 jt = Rp. 31.200.000
40% x Rp. 105.840 jt = Rp. 42.336.000
30% x Rp. 101.920 jt = Rp. 30.429.000
= Rp. 104.000.000

The Sales Comparison Approach
The sales comparison approach in a real estate appraisal is based primarily on the principle of substitution. This approach assumes a prudent individual will pay no more for a property than it would cost to purchase a comparable subsitute property. The approach recognizes that a typical buyer will compare asking prices and seek to purchase the property that meets his or her wants and needs for the lowest cost. In developing the sales comparison approach, the state licensed real estate appraiser attempts to interpret and measure the actions of parties involved in the marketplace, including buyers, sellers, and investors.
Method of Data Collection Data are collected on recent sales of properties similar to the subject being valued, called comparables. Sources of comparable data include real estate publications, public records, buyers, seller, real estate brokers and/or agents, appraisers, and others. Important details of each comparable sale is described in the appraisal report. Since comparable sales are not always identical to the subject property, adjustments are sometimes make for date of sale, location, style, bathrooms, square foot, site size, etc. The main idea is to simulate the price that would have been paid if each comparable sale were identical to the subject property.If the adjustment to the comparable is superior to the subject, a downward adjustment is necessary. Likewise, if an the adjustment to the comparable is inferior to the subject, an upward adjustment is necessary. From the analysis of the group of adjusted sales prices of the comparable sales, the state licensed real estate appraiser selects an indicator of value that is representative of the subject property.
Steps in the Sales Comparison Approach 1. Research the market to obtain information pertaining to sales, listings, pending sales that are similar to the subject property. 2. Investigate the market data to determine whether they are factually correct and accurate. 3. Determine relevant units of comparison (e.g., sales price per square foot), and develop a compararive analysis for each. 4. Compare the subject and comparable sales according to the elements of comparison and adjust as appropriate. 5. Reconcile the multiple value indications that result from the adjustment of the comparable sales into a single value indication.
1. Metode Perbandingan Data Pasar (Market Data Approcah)
2. Metode Kalkulasi Biaya (Cost Approach)
3. Metode Pendekatan Pendapatan (Income Approach)
Metode Perbandingan Data Pasar (Market Data Approcah)
Metode perbandingan data pasar atau sering disebut juga sebagai metode perbandingan harga jual (sales comparation method) atau metode perbandingan data langsung (direct market comparation method) adalah metode penilaian yang dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan secara langsung properti yang dinilai dengan data properti yang sejenis yaitu dengan cara Penilai harus mendapat 3 atau lebih data banding yang telah terjual atau sedang ditawarkan untuk dijual yang sejenis terhadap properti yang akan dinilai kemudian dibuat penyesuaiannya terhadap property yang dinilai
Harga Jual Property yang sebanding +/- penyesuaian = Indikasi Nilai dari property
Langkah-langkah yang diperlukan dalam metode ini adalah :
1. Tahap Pengumpulan data
Kumpulan data dicatat dalam buku data.
Sumber-sumber data dpt dihimpun dari :
- Broker
- Developer
- Iklan, surat kabar, majalah, papan pengumuman (langsung tinjau kelokasi)
- Arsip hasil penilaian
- Investor
2. Tahap Analisa data
Data yang dipergunakan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat dibawah ini, yaitu :
- Data tersebut diperoleh dari transaksi jual beli tanpa paksaan
- Data transaksi Jual beli yang belum lama berlangsung
- Data jual beli tersebut harus punya kesamaan dalam hal peruntukan, bentuk tanah, lokasi yang sejenis, sifat-sifat fisik & sosial, ukuran/luas, cara jual beli
3. Tahap Penyesuaian
Penyesuaian untuk perbedaan yang ada, berdasarkan pada waktu, lokasi dan lainnya.
Metode Penyesuaian
Metode dalam tahap penyesuaian ini terdapat 3 macam metode, yaitu:
1. Metoda tambah kurang (Pluses and minuses method)
Artinya penyesuaian langsung dibandingkan secara keseluruhan kelebihan dan kekurangan dengan data-data pembanding yang ada.
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Nilai indikasi Rp.104 jt Rp. 106 jt Rp. 102 jt
Penyesuaian dilakukan dengan cara pembebanan.
Misalnya: Properti yang paling mendekati adalah no.2 diambil 40% no. 1 & 3 = 30%
Jadi Nilai Pasar :
30% x 104 jt = 31.200.000
40% x 106 jt = 42.400.000
30% x 102 jt = 30.000.000
2. Metode jumlah rupiah (Rupiah Amount Method)
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Penyesuaian + 5 j 0 + 8 jt
Lokasi - 1 jt 0 0
Ukuran 0 0 - 4 jt
Kondisi perlengkap 0 0 0
Mutu bangunan 0 - 2 jt 0
Total penyesuaian + Rp. 4 jt -Rp. 2 jt Rp. 4 jt
Nilai indikasi Rp. 104 jt Rp. 106 jt Rp. 102 jt
Dengan cara pembebanan :
Nilai Pasar:
30% x Rp. 104 jt = Rp. 31.200.000
40% X Rp. 106 jt = Rp. 42.400.000
30% x Rp. 102 jt = Rp. 30.000.000
= Rp.104.200.000
3. Metode Persentase (Percentage Method)
Data 1 Data 2 Data 3
Harga jual Rp. 100 jt Rp. 108 jt Rp. 98 jt
Penyesuaian 5% 0% 8%
Lokasi -1% 0% 0%
Ukuran 0% 0% -4%
% Kondisi pelengkap 0% 0% 0%
Mutu bangunan 0% -4% 0%
Total penyesuaian 4% -4% 4%
Nilai indikasi Rp. 104 jt Rp. 105.840 jt Rp.101.920 jt
Dengan cara pembebanan :
Nilai Pasar :
30% x Rp. 104 jt = Rp. 31.200.000
40% x Rp. 105.840 jt = Rp. 42.336.000
30% x Rp. 101.920 jt = Rp. 30.429.000
= Rp. 104.000.000

The Sales Comparison Approach
The sales comparison approach in a real estate appraisal is based primarily on the principle of substitution. This approach assumes a prudent individual will pay no more for a property than it would cost to purchase a comparable subsitute property. The approach recognizes that a typical buyer will compare asking prices and seek to purchase the property that meets his or her wants and needs for the lowest cost. In developing the sales comparison approach, the state licensed real estate appraiser attempts to interpret and measure the actions of parties involved in the marketplace, including buyers, sellers, and investors.
Method of Data Collection Data are collected on recent sales of properties similar to the subject being valued, called comparables. Sources of comparable data include real estate publications, public records, buyers, seller, real estate brokers and/or agents, appraisers, and others. Important details of each comparable sale is described in the appraisal report. Since comparable sales are not always identical to the subject property, adjustments are sometimes make for date of sale, location, style, bathrooms, square foot, site size, etc. The main idea is to simulate the price that would have been paid if each comparable sale were identical to the subject property.If the adjustment to the comparable is superior to the subject, a downward adjustment is necessary. Likewise, if an the adjustment to the comparable is inferior to the subject, an upward adjustment is necessary. From the analysis of the group of adjusted sales prices of the comparable sales, the state licensed real estate appraiser selects an indicator of value that is representative of the subject property.
Steps in the Sales Comparison Approach 1. Research the market to obtain information pertaining to sales, listings, pending sales that are similar to the subject property. 2. Investigate the market data to determine whether they are factually correct and accurate. 3. Determine relevant units of comparison (e.g., sales price per square foot), and develop a compararive analysis for each. 4. Compare the subject and comparable sales according to the elements of comparison and adjust as appropriate. 5. Reconcile the multiple value indications that result from the adjustment of the comparable sales into a single value indication.
Labels: teori penilaian